Examples of grants for single moms at another countries. The women and men have the same rights and obligations, like general ruler, join of the characteristics of laws, the fact that they must be general, impersonal, abstract is, this he is, that they must devote oneself to wholes equally.
But, let's have in account than in the maternal belly, the human life conceives itself, that generates a series of especial protections so much from the point of view of The Civil right, Laboral, Social Security and enclosure the protection of The Penal right, in front of criminal conducts that they attempt undermining the life and the integrity of the woman made pregnant, in addition to the mother with children.
The protection to the single mother varies, in dependence of the historic, social, geographic context, between others, let's put the example of the single mother in Morocco, where getting pregnant out of wedlock implies the reproach of the society and worse still being rejected by the whole family; In the best one belonging to the cases, the family manages to call for the subject that had intimate relation with the single mother, but, let's think up the drama in the cases a woman gets pregnant in a violation's product: